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How to Get Rid of Insomnia During Menstrual Cycles?

Menstrual Cycles

Insomnia During Menstrual Cycles

Menstrual Cycle: According to the National Sleep Foundation.  Women during the Menstrual Cycle and the first few days of their cycle not only have a harder time falling asleep, but the quality of their sleep suffers as well. It can be difficult to sleep during the menstrual period. Sleep can seem impossible due to hormonal fluctuations, unpleasant sensations, and an overall feeling of weariness. During your next cycle, we can make some lifestyle modifications to help you lessen symptoms and sleep better. Women often notice physical and emotional changes in the days preceding up to their period, as well as changes in their body’s hormone production.

These changes are modest for many women, but they can be disruptive for others, resulting in premenstrual syndrome (PMS). They can develop the premenstrual dysphoric disorder if they are severe (PMDD). Women with PMS and PMDD frequently sleep too little or too much, and even those with minor symptoms may feel exhausted or have sleeplessness before and during their period. 

The specific source of these sleeping issues is unknown, but considering how important sleep is to physical and mental health, it’s crucial to understand the menstrual cycles and sleep, as well as how to sleep well during your period. Bloating, backaches, breast tightness, and other PMS symptoms can all make it difficult to sleep, but that’s only the beginning.

Your body produces progesterone after ovulation, which makes you lethargic. However, progesterone levels drop a few days before your period, which could explain why PMS is associated with the worst sleep. However, your core body temperature maybe a half to a degree higher on these days than the rest of the month, making you feel uncomfortably feverish and restless when you go to bed. Fortunately, there are certain techniques for working with your body to help you achieve a decent night’s sleep.

What Are the Stages of the Menstrual Cycles?

  1. Menstrual phase: The menstrual phase begins on the first day of monthly bleeding, which is commonly referred to as your period. The body throws away the excess uterus lining that was produced in preparation for pregnancy during this phase. It can last roughly five days on average.
  2. Follicular phase: The follicular phase, which begins on the first day of your period and normally lasts 13 days, involves the production of an egg cell inside a follicle inside the ovaries.
  3. Ovulation phase: During the ovulation phase, the ovary releases a mature egg. This usually occurs on day 14 of a 28-day cycle.
  4. Luteal phase: After ovulation, this phase lasts about two weeks. The luteal phase ends with menstruation if a woman does not become pregnant and a new cycle starts.

Some factors responsible for insomnia during Menstrual Cycles

During and immediately before their period, many women suffer poor sleep quality. Hormones, as well as physical discomfort, can cause sleep problems throughout the month.

Hormone Levels Changing

The changing levels of progesterone and estrogens may play a role in changing sleep quality throughout the month. Different people will have different hormone levels, which might indicate that sleep disorders vary from one person to another person. Progesterone levels rise almost a week before the period, causing an increase in body temperature and may interrupt sleep. Progesterone may also have an impact on how much time you spend in certain stages of sleep. Hormone levels are influenced by birth control drugs, which may also significantly impair sleep quality.

Symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome

People may find it difficult to fall asleep a week immediately prior to their period and awake throughout the night. sleeping during these days may be worsened by premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms such as:

    • Bloating
    • Sore breasts
    • Changes in mood
    • Changes in bowel movements
    • Light and noise sensitivity
    • Headaches
    • Fatigue
    • Trouble sleeping or excessive sleepiness

Physical Discomfort

According to studies, women who have irregular menstrual cycles and bleed more heavily throughout their periods are more prone to exhaustion and sleep issues. Light sleep and overnight wakings are associated with irregular cycles, and a lengthier period may be followed by insomnia symptoms. Poor sleep quality might be caused by premenstrual symptoms and unpleasant cramps during your period. As a result, sleep loss might disrupt the menstrual cycles and increase pain sensitivity. 

During their period, some women may have vivid nightmares and overnight awakenings. On a basic level, worries about menstrual pads slipping out of place during the night have been shown to reduce the amount of time spent in deep sleep.

Tips for Better Sleep While on Your Period

Find a Comfortable Sleeping Position

Depending on the symptoms you’re having, you might need to change your sleeping position. If you’re overweight, for example, you might not want to sleep on your stomach. If you’re suffering from back cramps, consider sleeping on your side with a pillow between your thighs or on your back with a tiny pillow between your knees. If you’re worried about leaking at night, you might want to try different types of pads, tampons, period underwear, or menstrual cups.

Take balanced and nutritious foods

To avoid bloating, drink plenty of water and cut out on coffee, salt, and sugar. It may also be beneficial to eat more regularly and in smaller amounts, as well as to avoid particular foods that worsen your symptoms. PMS symptoms can be improved by eating a diet high in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Consuming heavy dinners may make it more difficult for your body to relax when sleeping, so limit the number of meals in the evening. Talk with your doctor about nutritional supplements which may improve in relieving symptoms.

Improve Your Sleeping Habits

Without the use of sleep medicines, changing certain sleep habits may help minimize period insomnia. To improve sleep, health professionals recommend sticking to a regular bedtime, keeping a cool, dark, and quiet bedroom, and avoiding blue light before bed. Talk to your doctor if you’re still having trouble sleeping or suffering extreme periods of discomfort after making these lifestyle adjustments. They can help you evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of various treatment options, such as oral contraceptives to help you control your cycle or cognitive therapy for insomnia to help you sleep better.

Lowering the thermostat

Changes in hormone levels in the body during menstruation, on the other hand, might cause an increase in body temperature, so you might find yourself sleeping more comfortably in the ideal bedroom temperature.

Exercise on a regular basis

Regular exercise, especially higher-intensity activity in the days leading up to your period, can help alleviate PMS symptoms. Yoga, swimming, and other forms of aerobic exercise are all good choices. Sleep troubles during your period are thought to be reduced if you maintain a healthy weight. During the first three days of your period, try going for a walk.

Experiment with various relaxation techniques

Although more research is required for more data, several studies have suggested that yoga, deep breathing, and meditation techniques can help with period discomfort. Muscle relaxation and massage may also be helpful in symptom management. Turn on some peaceful music or engage in another relaxing activity before night to help you relax.

Smoking should be avoided

According to research, smoking raises the risk of period-related sleep issues, such as sleep efficiency and total sleep time.


There are no specific physical signs or lab tests that can be used to confirm the diagnosis of premenstrual syndrome. If a symptom is part of your predictable premenstrual pattern, your doctor may attribute it to PMS. Your doctor may ask you to keep track of your signs and symptoms on a calendar or in a diary for at least two menstrual cycles to help you build a premenstrual pattern. Keep track of when you first noticed PMS symptoms and when they go away. Make a note of the days your period begins and finishes.

You can sometimes adopt some lifestyle and by making changes in the way you eat, exercise to reduce the symptoms

  • Limit bloating and avoid eating heavy meals at a time, prefer eating smaller and more frequent meals.
  • To avoid bloating and fluid retention, limit salt and salty foods.
  • Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are all good sources of complex carbs.
  • Choose calcium-rich foods. A daily calcium supplement may assist if you can’t stomach dairy products or aren’t receiving enough calcium in your diet.
  • Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided.
  • Most days of the week, do at least 30 minutes of brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or other aerobic activity. Exercise on a daily basis can help you improve your overall health and ease symptoms like weariness and depression.
  • Make sure you get enough rest.
  • To aid with headaches, anxiety, or insomnia, practice progressive muscle relaxation or deep-breathing exercises.
  • Relax and relieve tension by doing yoga or getting a massage.
  • Keep a diary to track the causes and timing of your symptoms. This will enable you to respond with strategies that may aid in their management.

Some medication can also be preferred to soothe the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

  • Vitamins supplements:  Calcium, magnesium, vitamin E, and vitamin B-6 have all been said to help with symptoms, although there isn’t much data to back this up.
  • Herbal treatments. Herbs like ginkgo, ginger, chaste berry, and evening primrose oil might help to ease your symptoms. However, just a little scientific research has proven that herbs can help with PMS symptoms.
  • Herbal medicines: Herbal medicines are also not approved by the FDA, for their safety or effectiveness. Before using any herbal products, see your doctor because they may have negative effects or interact with any prescriptions you’re taking well you can take Adderall 30mg orange.
  • Acupuncture: Acupuncture is the inserting of sterilized stainless steel needles into the skin at particular places on the body by a practitioner which might help some women to relieve their symptoms.


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