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How to Heal Knee Pain Naturally and Stop it from Recurring?


There can be long-term or short-term problems that can cause a common knee pain condition. Most short-term knee conditions do not require help from a medical professional. People can help themselves and improve their condition. Many home remedies are very helpful in long-term knee pain.

Knowing the cause of the knee pain is very important as to some extent the cause decides the treatment procedure. Given below are some natural and simple remedies that can be helpful in most knee pain forms.

Remedies that can be helpful in most knee pain form

  1. Physical Activity

One of the most common causes of knee pain is osteoarthritis (OA) and exercise is highly beneficial in delaying its development.

Studies and doctors both recommend daily exercising to maintain the normal level of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Cycling, walking, tai chi, swimming, and yoga all are very beneficial.

  • It doesn’t matter if you have osteoarthritis (OA) or not, everyone knows that physical activity improves the health of cartilage tissue.
  • Exercise that strengthens the leg muscles is quite beneficial for the knees. Exercising helps our overall body and that includes supporting the joints.
  • Water aerobics is one thing that can hugely benefit someone suffering from joint pain as it puts very strain on the knees.


  1. Strengthening Exercises

  • People with knee pain can consult with a physical therapist to work out the best programs and exercises for their needs.
  • Strengthening the quadriceps muscles and upper leg muscles with the help of exercise is very good for the protection of the knee joint. These are the front and side muscles of the thighs.


Let’s check out some methods to strengthen these muscles:

  • While you are sitting or lying down, raise or straighten a leg.
  • Stepping up and down again and again on a single stair.
  • Repeatedly sit and stand up on a chair for at least a minute without the help of your hands for support. Do this in a controlled, slow way.
  • Do squats by holding a chair until your kneecaps cover the toes. Repeat 10 times.


  1. Posture And Support

Take a look at some of the ways that help minimize the knee strain

  • Ignore couches and low chairs that you “sink” into.
  • If necessary, raise your sitting level with the help of a pillow.
  • Make sure that you have a good sitting posture, without sagging or leaning.
  • Avoid damaged shoes and wear supportive ones, as they may result in wear on the knee.
  • If you stay still and sit for a long period it may stiff your joints and cause pain without movement.


  1. Weight Loss And Diet

  • Obese or overweight people have a higher risk of knee pain.
  • If you are overweight your joints have to work harder. Losing some weight highly benefits long-term knee pain such as pain caused by arthritis.
  • Excess weight on your body enhances inflammation all over the body and this affects the knees.
  • Eating a proper and healthy diet helps in keeping your weight in check.


A healthy diet consists of:

  • Lots of vegetables, fruit, and fiber.
  • Less animal fat, meat, and other fat.
  • A diet that is rich in fresh produce is highly recommended.


Doctors and medical professionals recommend that people with osteoarthritis (OA) lose weight as it is very helpful. They can properly analyze your medical condition and based on that can prepare a suitable diet plan for you.


  1. Massage

  • Massage can provide huge relief in knee pain including self-massage.
  • The massage should be given in a seated position. Your feet must be flat on the floor and your knees pointing forward.
  • Make your fists loosely and then tap the lower, middle and upper thigh about 10 times with both hands. Do this at least three times.
  • First, sit keeping the feet flat on the floor, Use the heel of your hand to glide from the top of the thigh till the knee and then release. Do this around five times. Do this for the inner and outer sides of the thigh as well.
  • Press all four fingers into your knee tissue and then try to move up and down at least five times.
  • Massage the thigh muscles as well it will give a huge impact on the knee positively.


How much benefit massage may provide in osteoarthritis (OA) is not known as there is a lack of evidence. Although, massage can be a big stress buster.


  1. Aromatherapy Preparations

  • Essential oils may help reduce pain.
  • Some studies suggest that massaging with orange and ginger-containing oil is very helpful in relieving pain.
  • Another study shows that if you use an ointment for a massage that has mastic, sesame oil, cinnamon, and ginger. It will have the same effect on stiffness, pain, and motion as using salicylate ointment.


  1. Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, And Elevation (PRICE)

Protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation may help in the treatment of mild knee pain that could be the result of a sprain.

  • First is protection which can be defined as the prevention of the knee that has been hurt from further injury. Such as not doing the activity for some time that caused the injury.
  • The second is rest, it reduces the chances of further injury by giving injured tissues time to heal. Although, it is not advisable to stop all the movement activities as this can make muscles stiff causing them to become weak.
  • The third is nice, it is very helpful in reducing inflammation and swelling. Wrap the ice in a clean cloth and apply it for about 20 minutes many times on the day of the injury. Do not put the ice directly on the exposed skin as this can damage the skin further.
  • Fourth is compression with knee support that can improve the comfort levels. The bandage or support should be light but not tight.
  • Fifth and the last one is elevation means keeping the leg high or raised. It will improve blood circulation and decrease swelling. Ideally, you should keep your knee above the level of the heart.


  1. Heat And Cold

  • Heat and cold are said to be very effective in the treatment of pain in the lower back. It is also recommended in arthritis for easing joint pain.
  • Heat relaxes the muscles resulting in improved lubrication that leads to a reduction in stiffness. For best results, you should use a warm pad or a hot water bottle.
  • Ice, wrapped in a cloth can significantly reduce swelling, inflammation, and pain.
  • As you need more mobility in the morning time you can use heat then and later in the day-use cold to reduce swelling.
  • Do not forget to check the hot item before you apply it to your skin. Take special care of older people and people who communicate less.


  1. Medications

Some medications are also very helpful for the treatment of knee pain caused by arthritis. Some need a doctor’s assistance while others may not. They can be taken with or without a prescription.


Some medications that may provide relief in pain are:

  • Tramadol 100mg Citra
  • Topical or oral NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)
  • Topical capsaicin
  • Steroid injections can also be taken into the joint.

Experts only recommend tramadol and advise avoiding using other opioids.

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