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Is Valium Right for You? A Look at the Age Factor

The anti-anxiety drug Valium (diazepam) has been around since the 1960s, and it’s still widely prescribed by doctors today. Although you may be tempted to ask your doctor about this drug after reading about its benefits, keep in mind that it can have some unpleasant side effects and might not be appropriate for everyone. Before deciding whether or not to take Valium, ask yourself these questions: Do I have severe anxiety or frequent panic attacks? Am I currently being treated for anxiety or depression? Is my anxiety and depression interfering with my daily life?

Who Can Take Valium

As with any medication, it’s important to consult your doctor before taking valium. This medication should be used only under medical supervision. People who shouldn’t take valium include those with a history of drug or alcohol abuse, chronic lung disease (asthma, emphysema), glaucoma, and intestinal blockage or obstruction. Be sure to tell your doctor about any conditions you have that might make it unsafe for you to take valium.

Who Shouldn’t Take Valium

The reason valium is a popular prescription drug is because it works, but that doesn’t mean everyone should take it. Some people can have serious side effects when taking valium and don’t get any benefits from it. It is important to be honest with your doctor so they can accurately assess whether you will benefit from taking valium or not. People who should avoid taking valium include

Common Side Effects

Valium, like other benzodiazepines, carries with it a long list of potential side effects. These can include drowsiness, memory issues, mood swings and speech problems. When you first start taking Valium, you may notice that you have trouble remembering words or coming up with what to say next while talking.

The Bottom Line on Valium

If you’re looking to take valium, be sure to talk with your doctor about a few things. First, make sure your illness or condition is serious enough that an anti-anxiety medication might help; only prescription drugs can be used in place of psychotherapy when treating mental illness. Your doctor will also want to know what other medications and supplements you’re taking. And don’t stop taking any of them without talking with your physician first—including valium.

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